Bilateral agreements
Students can also apply for study mobility within the bilateral agreements signed with UL partner universities worldwide.
UL signed bilateral agreements
Study mobility within bilateral agreements are based on mutual terms, usually students do not pay tuition fee at Host University and study there as exchange student. Some agreements have grants, but not all.
Before applying students shall contact Mrs. Sintija Maculevica (, 67034336) in order to clarify the terms of corresponding bilateral agreement.
If chosen bilateral agreement includes student mobility and all other terms are acceptable to student, student shall apply to study mobility within bilateral agreement by filling in the form and submit it to the international coordinator of the Faculty of Business, management and economics.
Selection Criteria can be found here
Application to study mobility within bilateral agreement is not organized or announced but is based on student’s individual requests.
If you have any questions feel free to contact international coordinator at the FBME by phone +371 67034789, e-mail or come to consultation to Room 531.